Nameko Cache Tools Documentation Status

A few tools to cache interactions between your nameko services, increasing resiliency and performance at the expense of consistency, when it makes sense.

To use nameko-cachetools in a project:

from nameko.rpc import rpc
from nameko_cachetools import CachedRpcProxy

class Service(object):
    name = "demo"

    other_service = CachedRpcProxy('other_service')

    def do_something(self, request):
        # this rpc response will be cached, further queries will be
        # timed and cached values will be returned if not response is
        # received or an exception is raised at the destination service

To use a more advanced cache from the cachetools module:

from nameko.rpc import rpc
from nameko_cachetools import CachedRpcProxy
from cachetools import TTLCache

class Service(object):
    name = "demo"

    # use a TTL cache that will only hold 1024 different rpc interactions
    # and expire them afer 30 seconds
    other_service = CachedRpcProxy('other_service', cache=TTLCache(1024, 30))

    def do_something(self, request):
        # this rpc response will be cached. For the next 30 seconds,
        # further queries will not reach the target service but still
        # return the cached response

Caching strategies:


If a cached version of this request exists, a response from the cache is sent instead of hanging forever or raising an exception.

If a cached version doesn’t exist, it will behave like a normal rpc, and wait indefinitey for a reply. All successful replies are cached.

WARNING: Do NOT use this for setters, rpcs meant to modify state in the target service


the cache to use. This should resemble a dict but can be more sophisticated, like the caches provided by the cachetools package.
if a cached version of this query exists, how long in seconds should your original request wait until it deems the target service as unresponsive and moves on to use a cached response


Stores responses from the original services and keeps them cached.

If further requests come in with the same arguments and found in the cache, a response from the cache is sent instead of hitting the destination service.

WARNING: Do NOT use this for setters, rpcs meant to modify state in the target service


the cache to use. This should resemble a dict but can be more sophisticated, like the caches provided by the cachetools package.


If you have any suggestions or questions about Nameko Cache Tools feel free to email me at

If you encounter any errors or problems with Nameko Cache Tools, please let me know! Open an Issue at the GitHub main repository.